In-depth reports
In addition to the main report, the Council also commissions background reports from independent scholars. These in-depth studies of different aspects of fiscal policy are published in the series Studier i finanspolitik (Studies in fiscal policy). The background reports written in English are listed below. For a complete list, please visit the Swedish web page.
In-depth reports 2013
- 2013-1 Holmquist and Molander - Reformning Sweden's budgetary institutions.pdf
- 2013-3 The Swedish Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) - Systemic errors in the transport sector.pdf.pdf
- 2013-4 Steigum - Sovereign wealth funds for macroeconomic purposes.pdf
- 2013-5 Sørensen - The Swedish housing market Trends and risks.pdf
In-depth reports 2010
- 2010-3 Huixin and Leeper - Sovereign debt risk premia and fiscal policy in Sweden.pdf
- 2010-4 Dreyer Lassen - Fiscal consolidation in advanced industrialized democracies.pdf
- 2010-6 Pissarides - Regular education as a tool of counter-cyclical employment policy.pdf
- 2010-8 Calmfors - Fiscal policy coordination in Europe.pdf
- 2010-9 Calmfors - The role of independent fiscal policy institutions.pdf