
Bild på Göran Hjelm

Göran Hjelm

Head of Agency

Ph.D. in Economics from Lund University. Previously head of research and head of public finance, pricing and labour market analysis at the National Institute of Economic Research. Was also investigative secretary in the Committee of the Riksbank (Riksbankskommittén, SOU 2019:46).

Bild på Niklas Frank

Niklas Frank

Deputy Head of Agency and Senior Economist

Economist from Uppsala University. Has previously worked for the Committee on Finance in the Swedish Parliament, the Budget Department at the Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund.

Bild på Mikael Hemlin

Mikael Hemlin

Senior Economist

Economist from the London School of Economics. Concentration in macroeconomics. Has worked at the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council in different capacities since graduation.

Bild på Charlotte Sandberg Gavatin

Charlotte Sandberg Gavatin

Head of Administration and Data Protection Officer

Business economist from Stockholm University. Has previously worked for the Budget Department at the Ministry of Finance and the Expert Group on Public Economics (ESO).

Bild på Markus Signoius

Markus Signoius

Senior Economist

MSc in Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics. Also conducted PhD studies. Previously worked at the unit for public finance, pricing and labour market analysis at the National Institute of Economic Research, both as an economist and temporary head of unit.